{MASTERCLASS} Strategically Structure your Business
There are so many different business entities out there... how do you know which one to choose?
As a licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) I will discuss the tax implications of each business entity. Alot of times people hear about LLCs vs S-Corps and do not realize that there is more to your decision than what is popular.
So if you are in the process of starting a new business or wondering if you are currently set up correctly, this course is for you!
We will focus on 3 main areas that impact your decision from a TAX perspective. We will discuss how you are PAID, how you are TAXED, and what you need to REPORT
This course will walk you through the tax implications of each business entity and address the top 3 things you need to be aware of from a CPA perspective, and not just a what is most popular perspective.
When is this:
Monday, January 31st, 2022 at 6pm CST/7pm EST
Who this is for:
Anyone who is starting a new business and wants to start the right way
Anyone who has been in business and has no idea if they are doing it right
You are seeing alot of information float around and want to make sure you get the right info
What you will get:
Description of each Entity
How you pay yourself
How you are taxed
What you need to report
What happens after I purchase:
If you are in our Savvy Tax Membership you are FREE! You do NOT need to register, so you can skip this altogether
Everyone else, you will get a link once you pay directing you to the actual registration page which is where the training will take place
Meet The Instructor
This is Atiya! She is a CPA with 16 years of tax experience. She has a goal of saving her #SavvyFamily aka clients over $1 Billion in tax savings. She helps black women who invest in real estate and own small businesses by reducing their tax burden to save them money.
Currently I build customized plans to create over 5 figures in tax savings for my clients so that they can build wealth and focus on their businesses.
Disclaimer: While I am a CPA & Tax Strategist, I am not YOUR CPA... yet! So this Masterclass is for educational purposes only and does not constitute a client relationship.
Click here for Discovery Call www.thesavvyaccountant.as.me/Discovery
In this Masterclass we will discuss: